search for magic

Monday, July 29, 2013

i may have exploded at the dollar store

so update on life situations, i redid/organized my room and repainted my shelves. they're all teals/blue-greens, but i wanted them to have silver glitter. and walmart doesn't have the glitter in a fine enough size for my liking. so the dollar store helped me. i found teals and silvers in glitter form and i also found ribbon. which is where my brain freaked out and i bought some more, cause i'm nuts. i also have some velcro so i can make necklaces and bracelets from the ribbon, so they can be taken on and off when needed. i also found some more ribbon and a glue gun in my mom's craft supplies, which is like the lost world of crafting things. so i kidnapped those and plan to modge podge my shelves with glitter (got that idea from xsparkage with her shoes) and then my old bottles can go on those. oh by the way i also collect old school bottles and unique bottles since they're pretty :D i also spotted the maybelline colored mascara display that nouveacheap blogged about and they had all the colors, but the berry seemed more red i opened the tube. the formula looked a little dry to me, so i'll be sticking with my hard candy colored mascara. i also have to figure out some life things, while waiting for shark week and face off to return to my tv. so maybe some pictures tomorrow, i might do a makeup look, and review some certain brushes i haven't reviewed yet. so here's to that. meanwhile look at this handsome fella looking all swell.

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