search for magic

Saturday, June 29, 2013

pretty hair stuff-hair ribbons/flowers/clips/storage prt1

so i ordered some hair flowers/curl clips, went to ac moore for ribbons, and bought some makeup over a month. sort of like celebrating the end of college. it's going to be spend over several posts, since i'm lazy and don't feel like typing foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, and so it's easier to follow for my throbbing headache.
first, this is how i'm storing my flowers and ribbons. i had some left over ribbon from cutting and thumb tacked it on my door. if you have cats, i wouldn't hang the ribbons down to far so they don't eat anything. my cat has tried and failed so far.

these are single prong curl clips, a pack of 50 for 4.99 on ebay, came from china. i have used these 3-4 times, and they're doing fine. the spring is still strong, no rust (some fingerprint stuff after i take them out in the morning), and they don't pull on my hair when coming out.

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