apsaras from priestess arcana. colors used-white, light blue, dark blue.
i know the sun's being a jerk. the teardrop mimics her belt.
used-nyc primer/mascara, creative me1 blue (outer corner/under eye/teardrop), 120 K7 (lid/under eye), B1 (inner corner/teardrop), blue interfine mica.
search for magic
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
things other people do that i don't do often/would never do
i know that beauty gurus on youtube do amazing looks, we all know that. people like xsparkage, vintageortacky, thepinkladyj and goldiestarling do ama-za-zing looks and i love their creative ideas. but some things that they do i don't necessarily do or like doing. so i have a listy list. it's not long, like usual.
1. i hate foundation. i like my little mark on my face and think it's quite awesomely put there. i think freckles are adorable. i may try a bb cream thingy, like the physicians formula bb kit, but that's sheer coverage, which is so my style. i like more stuff on my face, so i can go flying spaghetti monster crazy on my eyes. i also don't like foundation in the fact that you need blush in order to not look like a mannequin. if you like foundation, be all for it. i judge no one.
2. i don't use eyeliner if my looks. i do wear eyeliner and love it, but i don't use eyeliner in my shadow looks, since i feel it's distracting. i don't like black liner with everything. you like it, go for it all the way.
3. i don't like putting colors up to my eyebrow. if i do it's going to be my skin tone or a very light sheer white. no blue or pinks. i also like my eyebrows how they are and am not messing with their shape or anything. i can maintain them but i'm not chopping them in half and putting an arch in them. i like natural brows.
4. i also walk out of the house more often then not with no makeup on. no mascara, shadow, or liner. i can almost anywhere with no makeup on and feel comfortable. i know my face isn't perfect, it probably looks like a train wreck. but i'm comfortable with not being perfect.
so that's about it.
side note-this is in no way bashing anyone. i watch all of there gurus listed above and do support what they do. i just change a few things or skip a few steps. they all are really talented and are all lovely people. they choose to do makeup in a different way then i do, and that's what life's about. it's not about judging people, it's about learning from others.

the cute penguin supports freedom of creativity. join the penguin! :D
1. i hate foundation. i like my little mark on my face and think it's quite awesomely put there. i think freckles are adorable. i may try a bb cream thingy, like the physicians formula bb kit, but that's sheer coverage, which is so my style. i like more stuff on my face, so i can go flying spaghetti monster crazy on my eyes. i also don't like foundation in the fact that you need blush in order to not look like a mannequin. if you like foundation, be all for it. i judge no one.
2. i don't use eyeliner if my looks. i do wear eyeliner and love it, but i don't use eyeliner in my shadow looks, since i feel it's distracting. i don't like black liner with everything. you like it, go for it all the way.
3. i don't like putting colors up to my eyebrow. if i do it's going to be my skin tone or a very light sheer white. no blue or pinks. i also like my eyebrows how they are and am not messing with their shape or anything. i can maintain them but i'm not chopping them in half and putting an arch in them. i like natural brows.
4. i also walk out of the house more often then not with no makeup on. no mascara, shadow, or liner. i can almost anywhere with no makeup on and feel comfortable. i know my face isn't perfect, it probably looks like a train wreck. but i'm comfortable with not being perfect.
so that's about it.
side note-this is in no way bashing anyone. i watch all of there gurus listed above and do support what they do. i just change a few things or skip a few steps. they all are really talented and are all lovely people. they choose to do makeup in a different way then i do, and that's what life's about. it's not about judging people, it's about learning from others.
the cute penguin supports freedom of creativity. join the penguin! :D
persona 3-surt
used- nyc primer/mascara, creative me1-red (outer corner/under eye), 120 D5 (inner corner), F6 (inner corner), Q7 (lid/under eye)
now i know this character is dark, but i wanted to bring in the fire colors for his flaming sword, since i thought that was cool. i also know my eyes are huge, but in order to get detail i have to put my camera close to my eye. i also know my lighting is awkward sometimes, and i can't control the sun so blame nature. i'll next be doing the priestess arcana, with apsaras.
side notey-i know i haven't been putting up looks much, but schools in two weeks. and i have life issues that are happening everywhere. so i'm gathering things for reviewing and also waiting for my nail brushes to magically get here, so that way i can also post some nail ideas and maybe pic here. :D all things magical in my universe thing.
i should be getting something similar to this and 5 dotting tools. 20 pieces for less then $5, free shipping on ebay.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
maybelline precise liner, short reviews are cool
this eyeliner................why no other liner have standards like this one? this and my hot topic liners are my two top choices for liners in my universe. this thing is waterproof to me, even though it doesn't say so. it survived heat, a water park, caves, and the beach. so it's pretty freaking awesome. the only downside is maybelline is owned by l'oreal, which tests on animals. i love all the creatures, so i'm strongly against animal testing. but when i bought this, i had no idea. i now know and will strongly stay away from products, unless i can't seem to find an alternative.
WOULD I RECOMMEND THIS? yeah, it does it's job like nobodies business. and it's cheaper than high end. so yeah, go for it. and walmart carries it, so that's a major plus.
waiting sucks in life......
so my nail brushes from ebay didn't come, ordered them a month ago, opened a case. i also can't wait for school to start since i so wanna get my life going. get my own space, do what i want in life, be a free spirited hippie person kinda. hug all the trees. eat all the stuff. so i'm waiting. patiently kinda. i also ordered panda earmuffs, in case i didn't tell ya'll already. waiting on those so i don't freeze my ears off in the cold. i'm very sensitive to cold and i'm gonna eskimo myself to stay alive. i also have to order the scrubs for school soon. so that's been going on. basically. all the stuff. not very exciting for most, but myself. i like pandas. that is all.

i shall name him frito and we'll be friends and sing songs of happiness. :D
i shall name him frito and we'll be friends and sing songs of happiness. :D
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
my review of the nyc primer thingy, also short
it seems that ya'll love my tiny reviews. good, cause i hate typing paragraphs. thank high school for that. today, i have the nyc primer thing. it comes in the nyc individualeyes palettes. i wore that today with my wolf shadow for my adventure in philly, for 13 hours. i always come this to too faced, since that is my godly primer. well, it does slightly suck. it's def not as good as too faced, but it kinda worked. it stays on for about 4 hours tops with no issues. then the funk happens. i got major creasing and fading by 6 hours. i couldn't really do anything about it though. the city conditions were slightly warm with lots of bad smells, muggy, lots of moisture from going inside and outside of buildings. it was nuts. so, it would work if you have a short event, but anything over 4 hours you need another primer. quick 2 hour class at college, sure. full work day no.
WOULD I RECOMMEND THIS? ummmmmmmmmmmm, uhhhhhhhhhhh. it already comes in the palette, so no getting to choose. it does however work as a quick fix concealer, for dark circles. whether you choose to use it as primer it up to you. i wouldn't recommend it as a long lasting primer.
this is how i feel on the inside right now :D
WOULD I RECOMMEND THIS? ummmmmmmmmmmm, uhhhhhhhhhhh. it already comes in the palette, so no getting to choose. it does however work as a quick fix concealer, for dark circles. whether you choose to use it as primer it up to you. i wouldn't recommend it as a long lasting primer.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
how to wear blue eyeshadow and not look like a 90s hooker
used-nyc primer/mascara, shades of the hamptons light blue(lid), darker blue(outer corner)
so many people fear color, i'm not sure why. maybe when you see it your brain freaks out due to overload of unicorns and rainbows and fairies. so i'm going to teach ya'll my magical tips for wearing colors that aren't brown. since brown means boring, colors mean fun and exciting. so the first color is going to be blue. now some might think 90s hooker. but there are some tricks on how to wear blue and not get hit on but strange creepy men, unless you're into that sort of thing.
tip1- for the love of the flying spaghetti monster, DO NOT PUT IT ALL THE WAY TO YOUR BROW!!! blue all the way to your brow is beyond hooker status-i don't even know what category that is. if you do a medium blue, do a very light blue as your highlight, or use your regular highlight, no judgement. also no glitter for your highlight, just matte or if you really wanna push it, satin. no shimmer or glitter. no no.
tip2- blend the edges so it's not mismatched. this should be self explanatory. but, blend the outer edges of the shadow with a clean brush, so it looks rounded. or if your want a point blend it into a point. if you want blue panda, go blue panda. i go for semi-round.
tip3- if you are wearing any color shadow, pay attention to your blush and lip color. i don't have this problem, but some do wear blush and lip stuff. if your wearing crazy color in the eyes, i wouldn't go gung hoe on the lips or face. something natural looking has happen, you can't look like a barbie. though i love halloween, i still would like to rock my own skin.
that's all i really have for wearing blue shadow. i'm going to do all the rainbow colors eventually. but blue kicked it off nicely.
i wonder how he flies. :/
future idea thingy?
so on my adventures of watching youtube, i watch a lot of makeup and nail art videos. one guru, thepinkladyj, has done a lot of good videos that are helpful. she did a 80's cartoon series, she's currently doing the zodiacs, and she's also doing a series on the perfect colors for eyeshadow. like the best red or orange, that's matte and is a pure color. no reddish-oranges, or dingy yellows, true colors. and she does have a good selection of shadows. i thought about doing this, but not just matte shades, since i do like satins and shimmers. it's an idea, since i can't always do makeup looks and with school coming up, i would still post reviews, but that would get boring to me. i would also do the looks by giving directions, but not be able to post pictures. so that's about it :D
and today's tuesday so....FACE OFF
Monday, August 19, 2013
shortest good review ever made
this would be about maybelline color tattoo creams. i have used the brick red, dirty gold, bright gold, charcoal, green, medium blue, silver, orange, white and purple. i haven't tried the navy blue but i image they all work the same. and they work wonderful. some have been peeling from the sides which means they're drying but they still work. you just have to swirl your finger over the top and it's creamy again. i've used them in most of my looks and even the purple works great. maybe it's just my purple but it's not patchy or uneven. i have a habit of not taking my makeup off at night and sleeping with it, and the tattoo is still somewhat there. they do have good staying power and are relatively cheap, $4-5. i find mine at walmart, but you can get them at drugstores.
WOULD I RECOMMEND THIS? go for it. i especially like the new colors coming out. they have neutral shades for non creative people and colors for people like me.

WOULD I RECOMMEND THIS? go for it. i especially like the new colors coming out. they have neutral shades for non creative people and colors for people like me.
persona 3-rangda
rangda from magician arcana. colors used-green, black, gold, red, and purple.
used-color tattoo-gray and dirty gold, nyc mascara, 120 H5 (outer corner), T7 (inner lid), O9 (crease), creative me1 red(under eye), green mica
used-color tattoo-gray and dirty gold, nyc mascara, 120 H5 (outer corner), T7 (inner lid), O9 (crease), creative me1 red(under eye), green mica
Saturday, August 17, 2013
life update? maybe
so as ya'll know, i start beauty school sept 9th. the school has a dress code which is -any shirt, black dress pants, and closed shoes. now i can deal with sneakers, i'll wear my dirty converse. but i am not ruining my band tees for school. and i own nothing dressy type. so i can wear scrubs, like nurses wear. the thing is i can't spend $300 for clothes, i don't have that kind of money. so i've been shopping around for cheap scrubs, black. i went to two thrift stores, and no black. walmart has black but they're about $9-15 a piece, no sets. so i've been looking online for scrub sets and did find a set for $15, and i'll need about 6 of them. so i'm checking the shipping on that. and that's all i need for school. i'll have to check for thermals in fall/winter. i'm also waiting for my nail art brushes to come in and looking through the unused stash of acrylic paints someone that i know has. i've seen a lot of videos using them so designs, so i might try a few, but i'm trying to figure out which base coat to use. i don't know if my nails are just picky, but if i do base coat + polish + topcoat that only last 4 days before it peels off in one giant flake. if i don't use base coat it lasts a week or two with minor chips. i have no idea why my nails hate base coat, and i use a green tea nail strengthener. i'm also looking forward to fall things like: wet n wild halloween items, converse, more hoodies, and panda earmuffs. i do love me so pandas. really fluffy cute pandas. and that's about it in my life-looking for scrubs and 3 weeks left until school. which i hope is way better than college, since college crushed my dreams with a rock.
thanks again for over 1900+ views, it's so special to have people join the awesome-ness :D

i want this to be my cat so bad
thanks again for over 1900+ views, it's so special to have people join the awesome-ness :D
i want this to be my cat so bad
Thursday, August 15, 2013
butterfly pollen eyes
my first thought was butterfly pollen, if butterflies could have pollen come out of them. i have no idea where that came from.
used: nyc primer/mascara, 120 T9 (lid), B6 (outer corner/under eye)
i may have a problem :D
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
makeup for the mall
sorry i jacked this up, i accidently touched it when rubbing the top of my eye. damn self
used-nyc primer, nyc mascara, 120 T8 (lid), T7 (out corner), E3 (under eye)
i wanted to find a color to match my nails, which look similar to sailor neptune colors. i used wnw fastdry teal of fortune and saved by the blue. T8 does look like teal or fortune in powder form. :D
five below haul, since i'm crazy
five below has a deal for 3 bottles it's $5, so i had to get some ridiculous colors. i've been mainly watching professionaldq on youtube, since she also like unicorns and rainbows. i didn't really have many neons, or jawbreaker, or flaky polishes, so i got some! for 24 bottles it's about $45, which is less than $2 a bottle.
sand and stilettos
my favorite nail polishes are my war paint beauty, since the colors are so awesome. but WPB is discontinued, since hot topic sucks and i refuse them. so i thought i had two dupes for them. i was kinda wrong. s&s is slightly pinker than white noise but still holographic.vivid and galaxy
vivid is more purple, probably a dupe for spoiled battle of the sexes. but i did find that pure ice deja vu looks like galaxy in the bottle, possible dupe.
finished and drying drops
i'm not so sure how the drying drops work formula wise, but it does have a handy dropper. i'll have to try it soon.
can you see that?
taken and jawbreaker
mermaid lagoon and mint choco-chip
they also had the blue and purple jawbreakers, but the white and green had more glitter.
i kinda think this looks like essie's twill, but i haven't seen that in person.
solar changing aurora borealis and partly cloudy
passion fruit and dragon lady
i do like dragons :D
these were inspired by professionaldq's rainbow effects for her nail art. she mostly uses neons.
gesso and kingston
reminds me of kingsley on youtube
highlighter and atomic poppy
lime light and wild child
pop artist and power play
220 volts and riot
my mom was also with me so we went to claire's and they do have some fishnets things there that are rainbow. but she bought nail polish and decided to get me the paint splatter culture shock. i'm not sure how good this is going to apply, or how thick it is. but it and all of my five below nail polishes smell of death. i don't really like the smell of death.
Monday, August 12, 2013
going to register for beauty school makeup
so i registered for beauty school and start sept. 9th. i did quick makeup since it wouldn't take long. i don't have a picture yet, but will try to get one up soon.
used-myc primer/mascara, fergie shades of the hamptons, elf c shadow brush, coastal scents shadow dome.
step1- apply primer then mascara.
step2- apply light blue shade from hamptons all over lid and inner corner with c shadow brush. may need more than one swipe since color is light.
step3- take dome shadow and the shimmer minty green and starting from the outer corner, blend to the middle of eye. also take in under the eye to meet the inner corner.
step4- blend out any harsh lines if you want. you could also do liner, glitter liner in a blue or green would look so freaking amazing with this.
step5- do whatever after. i didn't do any powder since it looks like it's gonna rain. or wear my fav lip product-chapstick. if only i could find the mountain dew flavor, life completion.

i know for all you depressed shark week fans, it's over :( we have to wait another year for more shark goodness. but it's almost halloween, so you can dress up your cat/dog in a cute shark outfit :D also thanks for over 1900+ views, it really means a lot in my crazy universe
used-myc primer/mascara, fergie shades of the hamptons, elf c shadow brush, coastal scents shadow dome.
step1- apply primer then mascara.
step2- apply light blue shade from hamptons all over lid and inner corner with c shadow brush. may need more than one swipe since color is light.
step3- take dome shadow and the shimmer minty green and starting from the outer corner, blend to the middle of eye. also take in under the eye to meet the inner corner.
step4- blend out any harsh lines if you want. you could also do liner, glitter liner in a blue or green would look so freaking amazing with this.
step5- do whatever after. i didn't do any powder since it looks like it's gonna rain. or wear my fav lip product-chapstick. if only i could find the mountain dew flavor, life completion.
i know for all you depressed shark week fans, it's over :( we have to wait another year for more shark goodness. but it's almost halloween, so you can dress up your cat/dog in a cute shark outfit :D also thanks for over 1900+ views, it really means a lot in my crazy universe
Friday, August 9, 2013
going out shopping in the heat/rain makeup
so i went shopping, actually for another car. my 97 was on it's last leg and i needed another one since soon i'm being doing something amazing, in dets later. so in pa weather, it was cloudy and hot, and then the rain came and all the more heat. so primer was needed and something simple. imagination time!
used- nyc primer, wnw kitten, nyc mascara, matte black shadow
step1: put primer and mascara on.
step2:apply kitten with elf shadow brush all over lid and inner corner. i had to two layers since it wasn't to my liking. do what you wish.
step3: apply black on outer corner with elf small angled to about middle of eye. also apply under eye to meet inner corner.
step4: do whatever you want after that. i used acne fighting wipes.
it lasted me during a very exhausting day after running around everywhere. also for the dets- i have an appt to start cosmetology on monday. i'll hopefully start sept 9th and finally get schooling over with in a year and a half. a year for cosmetology and 5 months for cosmetology teacher. it's finally nice to get going since i would like to be done with school for a while. :D
used- nyc primer, wnw kitten, nyc mascara, matte black shadow
step1: put primer and mascara on.
step2:apply kitten with elf shadow brush all over lid and inner corner. i had to two layers since it wasn't to my liking. do what you wish.
step3: apply black on outer corner with elf small angled to about middle of eye. also apply under eye to meet inner corner.
step4: do whatever you want after that. i used acne fighting wipes.
it lasted me during a very exhausting day after running around everywhere. also for the dets- i have an appt to start cosmetology on monday. i'll hopefully start sept 9th and finally get schooling over with in a year and a half. a year for cosmetology and 5 months for cosmetology teacher. it's finally nice to get going since i would like to be done with school for a while. :D
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
persona 3-orobas
orobas from magician arcana. colors used-red, dark gray and white.
used-nyc primer, creative me1 red (all lid), 120 R7 (outer corner and under eye), wnw sugar (highlight), nyc mascara
used-nyc primer, creative me1 red (all lid), 120 R7 (outer corner and under eye), wnw sugar (highlight), nyc mascara
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
persona 3-sati
sati from magician arcana. colors used-black, orange/yellow, orange/red, and gold.
used-nyc primer (which i used with the illuminator as a concealer since i had dark marks under my eyes it worked well), 120 H5(highlight), I6 + F6 + J5 (outer corner and under eye), T7 (inner lid), R11 (outer corner)
Monday, August 5, 2013
persona 3-pyro jack
pyro jack from magician marcana. colors used- orange, blue/green, black and white.
used- nyc primer, 120 C6(all lid), 252 tray1 K7(highlight), prism E1(outer corner), random matte black(outer corner/under eye) and wnw mascara
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